logo SOMA Works

Do you want to work at the fastest-growing technical employment agency in Limburg?


  1. 65% of our temporary workers work long-term with the client, of which as many as 184 have been acquired in the past year
  2. Helped 683 people find new jobs last year
  3. There are temporary workers who are still working for SOMA Works after 12.5 years.
  4. Last year, we provided 129 temporary workers with courses and/or training
  5. Over the past 6 years, we have expanded from 1 branch with 6 employees to a team of 36 enthusiastic colleagues spread across 4 branches

The story of.

Read Ralph's story

We ourselves are regularly on the shop floor with customers to really experience the work
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Working at SOMA Works? Take the test!

At SOMA Works, no day is the same. Sometimes you work in a team, sometimes you work alone. From bringing in new assignments from behind your desk to visiting new clients. Are you suited for a job at SOMA Works? Then take our test now and find out whether you fit within the temping industry!
Take the test

Current internal vacancies

Senior Intermediary


Senior Intermediary


Intercedent Maastricht

Vacatures metaal Vacatures techniek Vacatures bouw Vacatures infra Vacatures productie Vacatures logistiek